How do you want to be described?

How would people who know you describe you? Are you happy with that?
June 28, 2024
How do you want to be described?



June 28, 2024

How would people you know describe you?

Pick three people who know you - think of them in your head before you read on.

Ok, now that you have those three people in mind, how would they describe you? What are the top three things each of them would say if a stranger asked them to describe you?

What do you think about the words they would use?

How do you want people to see you? How do you want to be described?

A good mom? A good dad? A good daughter or son? Healthy? Strong? Kind? Caring? Understanding? Inspirational? Fit? Patient? A good boss? A good employee? A good spouse? How do you want to be described?

There's a famous quote, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."

If we consistently do something, it becomes part of who we are. That can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing. How we leverage that fact is completely up to us.

Do you want to change those words?

If the words people would use to describe you aren't the ones that you'd like to be used, let's do something about that.

Think about the words that you want people to use to describe you. Now, think about the things that people like that do. Do you have something on your list about getting in shape, losing weight, fitting into your favorite jeans again, eating healthy, getting stronger, being able to play with your kids or coach one of their teams?

If you have something like that on your list, you're in good company. Most everyone wants to be described like that.

Good news: you can do it, and we can help. Even if you've tried and failed in the past. Even if you don't know where to start. Even if you're nervous.

Ready to be described as fit, strong, and healthy? People who are those things take action. This is your time to click the link below and book your initial consultation and trial class. One of our coaches will listen to understand your goals and then stay by your side through a class so that you're comfortable and safe through the whole thing. It's a win-win with no downside.

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