The difference between anyone and everyone

There's a big difference between anyone and everyone, and that difference is important
March 29, 2024
The difference between anyone and everyone



March 29, 2024

The difference between anyone and everyone...

This is about to get deep, so hang on for a second:

CrossFit is for anyone, but it's not for everyone.

Yep - you read that correctly. I just said that CrossFit is not for everyone.

Let's start with who it's for. In the past week I have seen all of the following in class at our gym and/or another CrossFit gym that we are good friends with: D1 college athletes, military members, new moms, grandparents, regular college students, firefighters, teachers, school principals, early career professionals who work from home, professionals who travel for work a lot, musicians, office workers, craftsmen, IT pros, audio engineers, entrepreneurs, and retired people. We have serious athletes who crush workouts and go super hard and we have people who are new to fitness and usually take a more reserved approach to working out. Of course, there are a lot of people in the middle, too.

That pretty much covers the breadth of our community, right? Exactly right. That's because CrossFit is the ultimate for fitness inclusivity and provides the safest and most effective solution for anyone who wants to continuously improve their health and fitness.

So why isn't it for everyone?

Short answer: mindset. What does that mean?

CrossFit is about growth. We grow stronger, we build more endurance, and we grow more resilient mentally. We grow in our ability to relate to each other. In short, we grow as humans.

Growth only occurs at the edge of our comfort zone. In order to grow stronger physically, we must challenge our bodies to do more.

If nothing changes, then nothing changes.

The same is true mentally, emotionally, spiritually. The same is true across all of life and all of existence.

Growth requires going to the edge of our comfort zone at least some of the time. That requires being vulnerable.

Easy to say, not as easy to do

People all around you talk about wanting to grow and improve. It's part of being human - we want to improve our lives. Personally, I'm really glad that God built that desire into us because I love air conditioning and indoor plumbing.

Talking about improving is pretty easy to do. We can sit around Starbucks or the fire pit in the back yard and talk about it. Or we can post something on Instagram about having a "growth mindset" since that's a cool term in 2024.

When was the last time you tried something new? When was the last time you did something you weren't sure you could complete? When was the last time you picked up something heavy? When was the last time you took an emotional risk?

If you're like most people, it's been a while. If you're part of a CrossFit community, the answer is probably less than a week ago. For me personally, the answer is Friday night during the Open workout.

That's why CrossFit is not for everyone. Not all people are ready to do something that challenges them. The beauty is that CrossFit is perfect for anyone who wants to grow and improve.

Where are you?

Honestly, I spent a lot of time in the camp of not wanting to try anything challenging. It's definitely a more comfortable place in the short term. The nugget of truth, though, is this: focusing on short term comfort and ease leads to long term pain. This is true physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

We are built to grow and improve throughout our lifetime. There is no upper age limit for growth, and there is no age too young to embrace this concept.

Ready to break that no-growth cycle you're in and get on a better path with an amazing group of people? We're here to help. Click the button below to book your initial consultation and trial class. You can also text 817-879-1625 to start the conversation - just lead with the word Growth. It's nothing automated in the texting so you'll be talking to a real person (me).

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